Seeing as yesterday was our ONE MONTH ANNIVERSARY (!!!) I would say it's about time I did some posts about the wedding... and seeing as my bridal shower was 2 months before the wedding and the event that kicked off the festivities, I figure I should probably write about that!
It was on Sunday April 10 and it was perfect! The only thing missing was my fourth bridesmaid- Brian's sister (now my sister!) Melissa. While we certainly missed her, but I gotta say, everything else was pretty amazing. The weather was perfect, the company was perfect, the food, the games, everything, and it totally set the mood for the actual big day!
With some help from my old softball coach/current co-coach and the backyard of our score keeper, my maid of honor Alexis threw the best bridal shower I have ever been to. And then to take a step back and remember it was mine?... Heaven! It was about 3 hours long, but they flew by. (Another precursor to how I would feel at the actual wedding.)

With about an hour left, I had just started opening up presents and I got an even bigger surprise than the Victoria's Secret box I opened from Brian's mom!... Brian showed up, flowers in hand, and pretty much made all of the ladies swoon!
It was the sweetest thing, and he was able to help me open some presents, so I didn't have to feel so completely on the spot. (Despite what
And then we made him play one of the games everyone else got to play which was basically answering questions about me. Whoever got the most correct wins. My mom got 2 wrong, but took herself out of the running because she didn't think it was fair. My brother's girlfriend Jen got 4 wrong and was declared the winner. Well, an hour or so later when Brian got the chance to give his answers, guess how many he got wrong?...
ZERO! The dude knows me pretty well!
His appearance was the perfect way to round out the perfect party. Seriously, it couldn't have been better!
And one last fun display of our good time... they designed a dress for me... out of toilet paper... apparently, they know us well too! ;-)

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