
Friday, July 8, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 1

A recent photo of yourself and 15 interesting facts about you...

This is the most recent photo of me... it was taken about 2 weeks ago at our best man Kevin's (not to be confused with dog Kevin) graduation BBQ. He just got his Masters Degree... he's kind of amazing like that.
I'm posing with two of the best ladies I know... in fact, that can be fact one...

♥1: Of the girls that stood up in my wedding, Rachael and Alexis were the two bookends of the group when it comes to who I've known the longest. Alexis and I played softball together since we were 12 or 13, and it doesn't matter if it's been days or months since we last spoke, we can always pick right back up where we left off. Rachael and I just became good friends within the last year or two. We got to know each other really well because she is Kevin's girlfriend, but I'm so happy we did because she's a great person! In fact, all 4 of my girls are pretty amazing... Brigitte was my best friend in college. We got into all kinds of trouble together and she got me out of my shell. I really credit her with who I have become as an adult. And Melissa is my beautiful new sister. She is basically Brian, but prettier (maybe funnier? Don't tell him!), so you know I love her! She's funny, sweet, smart, and the only thing that's not perfect about her is that she lives in Idaho, so it's not easy to see her... but maybe that will just mean more vacations! I feel so lucky to have these amazing women in my life!
♥2: I would choose to drive alone than carpool for one simple reason- I want to be able to sing in the car as loudly as I can. (Not very green, I know, but at least you know I'm not on the phone!)
♥3: One of my favorite past times is people watching and then making up stories about said people's lives. Sometimes it depresses me. Like if someone is eating alone. And they don't even have anything to read. (How can they do that?)
♥4: I love sandals. I wear them all the time. Once, one of my co-workers called me Mr. Rogers because I would show up to work in my flip flops and then change into my running shoes. And you better believe that as soon as that last bell rings, I'm back in the flip flops... which brings me to...
♥5: I love driving with the air conditioner blowing on my feet on a hot day. (Can't get that with shoes on.)
♥6: I tend to trip over my own feet. Unless I've had a few beers. Then I walk like a runway model...
♥7: I love eating dinner with my family. We laugh a lot and we're very inappropriate. It's fantastic.
♥8: I've been having a difficult time understanding people who speak with an accent. Either it's been getting worse, or I've been talking to a lot more people with accents...
Remember this? I'm totally George.
♥9: I need to fall asleep to the TV. I want to try a sound machine and fall asleep to waves or frogs or something, but that's not high on the priority list. Yet.
♥10: I used to feel like guys would only talk to me about sports. Brian talks to me about everything. I think that's why he stood out to me. I love football, but I can only talk about it for so long.
♥11: I believe strongly in the power of positive thinking. I read the book The Secret and it pretty much changed my whole life. I can't complain about a single thing in my life right now.
Of course, there's always room to improve, but everything is always heading in the direction I want it to, and I believe it's because of my frame of mind. Some people think it's kooky, but read it with an open mind.
♥12: I just had to look up how to spell 'kooky' because first I wanted to type cookie. I must be hungry.
♥13: Speaking of cookies, make it chocolate chip, please. Better yet, chocolate with chocolate chip. Thanks.
♥14: I love to travel. It doesn't matter if it's driving an hour away for a weekend get away at the beach, or flying 11 hours to Europe. I love visiting new places and learning new things.
♥15: One of my main goals in this marriage is to not lose sight of who I am. Sure, among other things, I am now a wife. Soon enough, I hope to be a mother. But I'm also, a tom boy. And adventure-seeker. An educator. I want to keep cultivating my interests, and sometimes, that's hard. I'm also in love with Brian and I hate being away from him and Kevin (dog Kevin). I want to learn how to cook better and to cook more often. To clean better and more often. To decorate, and be a perfect hostess, and a lady in general (there mom, are you happy?) But I also don't want to lose me, because after all, that's who Brian fell in love with in the first place. I wasn't scared about getting married. I was very worried/nervous/anxious about changing my name. That had nothing to do with Brian. It was more because I don't want to lose ME. It's definitely going to be work trying to find this new balance, but it helps that I'm in love with my best friend. ♥

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