First of all, softball started and it has been COLD! It was supposed to snow yesterday, but it was a lot of hype for nothing. It really wasn't even that cold at all. In fact, I'm back in shorts right now. But during the week, I bundled myself up to brave the outdoors all day. Between the chilly breeze and my growing fear of UV rays (good luck with that, PE teacher!), I managed to create this monster:
Sorry for the bad quality... cell phone to email to blog... bad combo. Anyway, one of my 9th graders told me I look like an Antarctic gardener. I thought that was pretty hilarious.
Wedding Stuff
Moving on!... Biggest news... MY DRESS CAME IN! I'm going to go see it and try it on sometime next week... gotta get paid first!
I'm pretty sure I have my invites, rsvp cards, table numbers, escort cards designed, so my next step is to create some interesting and captivating programs. As far as I'm concerned, all the wedding stuff that I have left is all of the artsy-fartsy DIY stuff that I've been looking forward too. I think our last major task is to buy our rings.
Working Out & Eating Right?
So lately I've been working out more often than I was before (although if you follow this, you would realize that I've totally bailed on keeping a journal... I didn't mean too! I'll start again!), but it's still not as much as I used to. And that
I'm going to add another tab to the top and call it "Eating Right?" (...cue confused Ron Burgundy face)
I want to keep myself accountable for the food I eat (just like I'm
I read a blog the other day where this girl lost 12 pounds for her wedding by going on the Paleo diet. She said she followed it very strictly and didn't even have to work out, and the pounds just melted off. (Nice, right??) I googled it. Apparently, you cannot eat any dairy products, any starchy products, any sugars, and it didn't say it specifically, but diet Coke and Nutella are probably off-limits too. Basically- it's all hunter-gatherer food, i.e. fruits, veggies, and lean meats. Hmmmphh. I don't think I'm strong enough for that business. But I would like to follow something that isn't too far off. (With maybe a cheat day for some cheese. And chocolate. And diet Coke.) We went to our favorite farmer's market today and got a bunch of fruit and vegetables. I'm going to make some chicken to put into salads for lunch this week. And I'm looking forward to it! And some thin mints!
So I know I won't be the epitome of a healthy eater over night, but I will be trying. And documenting!
ABC'sLike, every other blog I read is doing this, and it brings me back to the fun times of good ole Myspace shenanigans, so I'm jumping on the bandwagon. Here we go, the ABC's of me...
A. Age: 27. Oof, that's like, almost 30.
B. Bed size: We were on a Queen, but it was like, the most uncomfortable bed ever, so we switched back to the double that we put in the guest room. And hopefully after the wedding, we'll graduate to a King!
C. Chore you hate: I'm not really a fan of washing dishes. Luckily for me, Brian is!
D. Dogs: I love them! Especially yellow labs named Duke, Chloe, and Kevin!
E. Essential start to your day: Cuddle time. The best part of my morning is hitting snooze and cuddling in closer to Bri for 8 more minutes. And then again for 8 more minutes. And then again...
F. Favorite color: Yellow, turquoise, pink... I kind of have a lot. ;-)
G. Gold or silver: White Gold... which is a silver color...
H. Height: 5’5"ish
I. Instruments you play: Tambourine, maracas, and I play a mean triangle
J. Job title: Physical Education Teacher and Assistant Varsity Softball Coach
K. Kids: Looking forward to having some someday!
L. Live: So Cal
M. Mom’s name: Darlene
N. Nicknames: K-Rod, Hot Rod, Rodzilla, Rodsky
O. Overnight hospital stays: I've never had one (knock on wood)
P. Pet peeve: I guess right now it would be people who think they can be PE teachers when they don't know how to play any sports and then don't bother to show up to practice the teaching skills that they so desperately need to succeed in a career that they thought would be easy but apparently is just too difficult for their pea-sized brain to handle, and upon receiving suggestions from seasoned veterans for increasing their potential for success, they say, "No." Ugh.
R. Righty or lefty: Right
S. Siblings: Jeffers!
T. Time you wake up: Well. The alarm goes off at 5:00. I usually hit snooze for like, an hour and 15 minutes or so.
U. Underwear: Under where?
V. Vegetables you dislike: I'm not really a fan of corn.
W. What makes you run late: Sleeping in... damn snooze button!
X. X-rays you’ve had: Teeth, my head (softball), probably a finger here or there
Y. Yummy food you make: I'm actually pretty good at cooking, but my favorite is lasagna!
Z. Zoo animal favorite: MONKEYS!!!! And although they're not usually at zoos, I really enjoy sea otters! Brian has taken me to 2 aquariums to visit them and they're so cute and playful and fun to be around!