But first things first... I'm going to start a new segment called 'Freshmen are Dumb'...because even the smart ones can be completely ridiculous at times! 14-15 is an awkward age. Period. They kind of remind me of dog Kevin... he's like, a full grown dog now, but I keep forgetting he's still a baby and he's still seeing and hearing new things every day. He tries to act tough, but he still looks to us to help him, he trusts us to do what's right for him, and he hides behind our legs when he's scared... that's exactly how my students are. They think they're these big important high school students, but really, they're just getting their
Although the spread in my age difference has far expanded from theirs in the last 5 years that I've been teaching (I started when I was 22 and I had an 18 year old in my class... slightly awkward), they still feel comfortable enough with me to share their daily thoughts and pearls of freshmen wisdom. Because this is usually more entertaining than not, I'm going to start sharing them with you. Totally anonymously, of course.
Today's silliness came from one of my 4th period lovelies while we were doing this stretch:
I asked my class what muscles we were stretching and one of my boys yells out, "Your quadriceps!"
I told him well done and asked if anyone knew why this particular group is called the quadriceps. My same little Einstein says, "Because there's four of them."
I asked, "Four of what?" hoping for the simple answer of 'muscles.' His reply was, "Uh... um... ceps."
SIDE NOTE: While I was looking for the picture above, I came across this one:
I think it's totally creepy, but it made me giggle because it reminded me of a fun little piece of photographic genius called The Timeless Art of Seduction a la Seinfeld...
Anyone else? Or is it just me?
I Turbo-Fired it up tonight with another kick boxing video. I love this stuff! But at the same time, it reminds me how out of shape I am because I used to teach it to people, like, in a real live gym (!) and now, it kinda kicks my ass! Oh well. I guess that means it's working?
Anywhay (cool wHip), I apparently worked so hard that by the time I was finished, I looked crazier and grungier than Nick Nolte after a drinking binge. Except he has a cooler shirt.
ME |
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HIM- I had to label it so you would know the difference |
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I was in the pool!!!! |